Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Problem and The Solution

Over many years of hearing women pray in the purification lodge and recount vision-quest discoveries, I know that women suffer from injuries of incest, rape, harassment, and molestation, and that these wounds are signs of the imbalance that still exists between men and women. As the leader of Native American transformational ceremonies, these facts were confirmed for me again and again over more than twenty years. Women are not full participants. One way they are kept in their “place” is by sexual injustices. Women have jobs. They make money, but they do not have an equal voice in setting priorities and goals in the agenda. Tell me: Why can’t we as a culture do our part to halt global warming? Why can’t we stop manufacturing of Styrofoam and throwing it into the ocean? The male owned corporations drive the boat and these are not priorities for them. Would we be more effective in finding solutions if women were more prominent in identifying the major questions?

In me it feels as if so much more is possible.

This wonderful planet is a paradise within which to celebrate and we are given all the means to enact a totally joyous life. We have the place, the potential energy, the gifts of imagination and physical abilities, even, often, the insight into what must be done. Why isn’t life a continuous enactment of joy for all of us?

We do not know that what is given is perfect for the enactment of full-time celebration, or we act as if we do not know the blessing of all the gifts given individually and collectively that could be used to make each moment a pleasure, filled with desires and the possibility of satisfaction. Instead we walk around with scowls not knowing what to do, asking for more, and waging war against our brothers and sisters. What is the matter with us?

Right now, today, people everywhere are living in fear and dying because someone else wants power over them. In the United States a few really wealthy men have taken the right to dominate the outcome and the reality of the way my life is. How is it that unlimited sums can be spent on directing the outcome of elections, but those same dollars cannot be counted to help defray the national debt?

We are drowning in an awful tide of forgetfulness comprised of lust, greed, and power quests. We must fight back. We really cannot allow someone else to say whether and how we will mother our children.

Where does the energy come from that will make change happen, and how does fighting back bring to life a better picture in which everyone regains the right to find the joy in their own lives?

I believe that the energy called for is radically different from the energy existing all around us that is being used to forge the way into lust, greed, and power. The radically different energy will be found as women lift themselves from the cocoons of restraint and identify their own true natures. Women acting as women have potential to access answers that have been hidden while their energy and voices have been repressed. We are given the problem and the solution. The point is: 1) We are urgently in need of a solution that will allow the truth to reign and the people to experience freedom to make their own choices; 2) The truth of women’s energy, long hidden, holds the potential to alter our course and bring us back to balance and health. When women have the courage to choose to be themselves and function in a reality that nourishes them, they will find that energy.

That energy is found in our sexuality. Yes, the very act that we have been taught to hide and fear holds the potential to heal us. Sexual energy already exists in our physical bodies but we have been disconnected from its availability and its power to inform and direct us by declarations of immorality made by leaders in ancient times who eradicated the Goddess cultures in which sexuality was the means of celebrating the Divine and the divine in the beings of the people. The fear and denial surrounding sexual activity is a learned trait imposed by religious leaders who wanted control over women in their Goddess centered societies in order to install their own God centered religions on the people. The reclaiming of memory and accessing the reality of the power of sexuality to empower and enhance the quality of our lives will be no small task. Major religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Mohammadism, hold strongly to the principle of women’s fundamentally evil and immoral being revealed in their sexual nature and activity. Established on the foundation of Goddess worshipping cultures, these major religions wrote into their religious codas, the Koran and the Bible, the instructions of their Gods to overthrow the religions existing in the areas of their emergence. Those were the Goddess worshipping religions, well established for tens of thousands of years. Because sexuality was the major means of celebrating and worshipping the Goddess in the temples, and because the fathers of children born of this worship could not be identified, sexuality was attacked by the new, male oriented religions and cultures that were seeking dominance. So, even though access to the source of energy that will return women to their former knowledge of their own wisdom and power and their potential to bring light to the problems we currently face already exists, the forces acting against this memory are very strong and present. Even though there is no need to search in unknown corners for re-empowerment of women, we must find the way to remember the legitimate place our sexuality holds in the five aspects that make us human and reinstall it there. We must remember even while we continue to be taught that pleasure in sexual experience is evil. We must remember and begin again to practice the fact that the pleasure and magnified energy of our sexual experience identifies us as human as much as our opposing thumb, our conscious mind that does math problems and tells stories, our emotions that direct our attention to significant action, and our ability to identify the sacredness of life. This memory must be pulled back from its hidden place in the collective consciousness in spite of the influence on major segments of the world’s population still imposed by the Koran and the Bible which have been constructed to keep us from doing just this. Even though the answer is at hand, the resistance will be great.

Think of the higher vibration you experience in the moments of orgasm. That is energy. Think of the alignment of molecules you know has occurred in the instant of climax. That is energy free of kinks and barriers: totally available. We trivialize this blessing while advancing the importance of the other aspects of life: mind, emotions, physical body, and spirituality. We put it after dark in hidden places often with people we do not know or have any feelings for. This is not the sexuality I am speaking of. This is the perversion that has developed as we have remained in hiding from the essence of our own being and the power released by the spark of orgasm, as we have allowed ourselves to be indoctrinated by forces seeking power over us

I am trying to do what must be done to redirect our energy and allow truth to prevail. I am one of the ones who has been silenced. I am still encountering resistance.

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